Friday, September 16, 2011

unfairy-like tales

Sometimes the random things I tweet make me think more deeply about the issues...when I say 'the issues' I wish I meant world peace and a cure for AIDS but alas, my mind is sometimes not such a noble place. The issues in this case refers to fairy tales. So, the tweet was about how Snow White blacked out (i was referring to what happens to many a young lad/lass during their late teens and early twenties when alcohol and large sums of money-or cheap liquor- are are readily available) and Cinderella was on hallucinogens. I'm just saying, the chick believed she rode in a pumpkin for God's sake. In my mind I see a seriously shroomed girl sitting on a pumpkin and yelling at a rat to hurry up lest they get late.
So I started remembering the origins of some nursery rhymes. Those cute songs you used to sing...not so cute. Most of them are about murders, betrayals and other things children should never sing about that happened in England a couple of hundred years ago. Jack and Jill is possibly about the beheading of Marie Antoinette and her husband King Louis the 16th, 'a ring a ring o' roses' is about the plague (yes, when you said 'atishoo we all fall down' you were actually saying 'we all got the plague and dropped dead'), pop goes the weasel was about killing traitors...the list is endless (ok not endless, just long).

side bar: rub a dub dub Though I don't know the origin of this nursery rhyme, it bugs me. If you don't know the rhyme GOOGLE IT and explain to me what 3 men are doing in a tub. It sounds nasty...especially since one of them is a candle-stick maker O.O

ANYWAY, this got me to thinking about an alternate reality where there's a reasonable explanation for what happened in those fairy tales we loved so much as kids. Sadly none of them have happy endings. I think Snow White may have been roofied by one of the dwarfs who was paid off by prince charming...SO...maybe I will write my own slightly altered, not for kids version of fairy tales, give you a little taste of what probably really would have happened if our beloved princesses had actually lived (think of the fairy god mother being some old witchdoctor with kamote (sp)). We'll see.
***By the way, if you're wondering why or how I know the origins of nursery rhymes, don't. I am a very deep well of the most useless information and I'm not even sure how I know these things. Only one thing is for sure...I will never need to know more than half the things I know.You know?(Sorry.couldn't resist :) )