Saturday, December 21, 2013

Do the twist

So I'm a young woman trapped in an old woman's body. Or I have an old woman's knee trapped inside my body. Or I am young but I just had really bad luck with my knee this week. I have somehow managed to get an injury that is usually only seen in footballers and tennis players. What was I doing when this happened? WAKING UP. IN THE MORNING. Like an 80 year old woman I tore a ligament just by waking up in the morning. As I lay there screaming for 5-10 minutes ( I can't really scream so I was just saying 'owowowowow') I thanked God my room mate had gone home for Christmas because a week later I honestly can't explain what happened without people laughing at me. Coincidentally my brother was scheduled for surgery the same week so we got to chill out in the discomfort of hospital rooms much to the irritation of my nurses who kept not finding me where I was supposed to be. I'm beginning to wonder if I didn't just get a sympathetic disease so I could keep him company in hospital...Anyway it was a horrific experience but I am an eternal optimist-not really- so on the bright side I got to see the inside of my knee and talk to some pretty awesome people. The inside of your knee is very interesting looking by the way...

SIDEBAR: You know the way people claim to have old souls? Why would you want to have anything old? Old things are subject to wear, tear and knee twists. Old things should come with old age, when they're expected and necessary not on a random morning