Friday, April 6, 2012

I'm not a journalist,buuuut....

There have been complaints about my inconsistency in blogging. Actually one complaint. No one really reads my insightful and heartfelt pieces. On the plus side, the one person is NOT my mum so yaaay! and sorry Duncan. I'll try harder :)

Since its Easter weekend and I've been abandonned by virtually EVERYONE, I'm bored. So today I picked up a newspaper (I read them once in a while. I mostly depend on the internet for information. It's faster,easier and cheaper although sometimes the information I get has even less substance than the info in those tabloids for 10 bob. Those things have the funniest stories!!! But I digress...)and I was appalled. I read the worst piece of journalism. Actually let me rephrase that, my eyes were assaulted by the worst piece of attempted journalism that has ever been printed. I won't name the paper. I'm not sure of the legal ramifications of that...(as if they'd ever find this blog).The content of the story wasn't so bad (kinda boring and obvious but not bad) but the grammar! Oh Lord! I thought newspapers had editors. Did the editor go on holiday? Did he let his 10 year old kid do his work for him? WAS HE HIGH??? I wont claim to be an expert on journalism- as seen in the way I write- but I know someone somewhere is definitely not doing their job. I'm offended that he (I'll assume the editor was a man. I still have faith in women) thought no one would notice that atrocity. That article has even given me hope. I dont need to find a profitable talent. I just need to write for that paper. You clearly only need to have made it through standard 4 to write for them so I'll be good. The worst thing about the article was the attempts at humour...they were so painfull that I was wincing as I read them. I acknowledge that not everyone has my undeniable wit and uncanny sense of timing *flips hair over shoulder* but the guy could have tried harder.

In completely unrelated news this song is AWESOME. It's made me molest the repeat button -