Monday, August 27, 2012


I was going through my list of posts deleting drafts when I came across this one...I don't know why I didn't post it and now the place that sells the SUPER-DOUGHNUT no longer exists. I decided to just share this experience with those of you who were unlucky enough to have missed out on the super snack. Ladies and gentlemen (all 3 of you) let me take you back to a time when life was was cheaper...and SUPER-DOUGHNUTS roamed the land opposite my university...

                                                     *time traveling noises*

This wonderful creation that I decided to name the SUPER-DOUGHNUT (the name has caught on quite fast :))came to me via one of my classmates(without his knowledge) on a Thursday morning. The owner of the SUPER-DOUGHNUT (notice how I only write the name in upper case. It's for emphasis) came to class with this gigantic paper bag that I just lengad 'cause it didn't look extraordinary. I thought it was a t-shirt or something...anyway so he sits down and discloses to one of my girlfriends that he has a doughnut in the massive paper bag. WAIT!

DISCLAIMER:I'm making this part of the story up as I go along. I actually don't know how she discovered that it was a doughnut. I was listening to the lecturer :D My knowledge of what happened that morning begins when I was offered the SUPER-DOUGHNUT.

So he tells her that he has a doughnut and she wonders out loud exactly how many he bought. He tells her that it's just one doughnut and that it's bigger than her head. She gasps, slaps him across the cheek(too much?) and calls him a liar. He grins, savouring the confused look on her face and whips out his doughnut (hehe...sounds a bit wrong). The sheer size of it makes her eyes bulge out of their sockets and exclaim, "It's HUGE!" (hehe...ok. That was the last one). This is when she made the decision to pinch off a large piece and share it with me and a couple of other people. In my defense I didn't know that I was eating stolen goods at first...and it was so yummy that when I found out I didn't really care. I know most of you will not believe me but I SWEAR that thing is HUMONGOUS. Its a monstrosity! The mother of all doughnuts! We ate quite a bit of that doughnut before we were caught and still didn't do enough damage to piss off the owner. After class I really wanted to buy one but was told they only make 3 per day. That only made me want one more! What is it about unavailable things that makes them so irresistible...anyway I craved its cinnamon-y goodness the whole day and created scenes in my mind that involved me being alone with a SUPER-DOUGHNUT. I think that even if the SUPER-DOUGHNUT tasted awful I'd still want one just to say that I have eaten a doughnut bigger than my head.

                                                  *time traveling noises*
Clearly, my love for brackets and alama za dukuduku(I always forget what they're called in English. Those 3 dots that make things suspense-y) has only become greater with time :D