There's a quote almost everyone knows that was supposedly by Albert Einstein but ,as we all know, the internet at times is not the most reliable of sources. People attribute anything they want people to agree with to famous people. Anyway, the quote goes something like, 'Only 2 things are infinite; the universe and human stupidity'. I may have gotten the wording wrong but that's the general idea of the statement. I, Zker, today would like to say that I disagree with this statement completely. I don't care if Einstein really did say it, he was wrong. Yes. I am controversial like that.
I don't disagree with the universe part. My knowledge of theoretical physics is limited to what I hear on The Big Bang Theory so I'll let him have that one. My problem lies in the human stupidity section. Human stupidity is NOT infinite. Humans are too stupid to have new ways to be stupid. We just keep repeating past stupidity in different scenarios. In high school I liked history because I barely had to read for it. If you know the reasons for one war/uprising, you know the reasons for all the wars/uprisings. The history of the human race is like an episode of Tom and Jerry. You watch thinking,' Yes. Now Tom knows that if he tries to chase Jerry into the hole he will hit his head on the wall,' right before he tries to chase Jerry into the hole and hits his head on the wall. People just keep doing things that they know will not work and there's no logical reason why. So whoever came up with that quote, Einstein or not, you were wrong. Our stupidity is limited but can be applied to a wide range of situations.
Note: If you do not acknowledge how clever the title of this post is then there's something wrong with you. It is amazing wordplay. I deserve an award for this title.