Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Someone is probably gonna kill me because of this one :)

Whats my issue today? Homosexuality. No,that may not be entirely accurate. This isn't exactly going to be a rant about gayism. More of a rant about peoples' reaction to it. Let me start by saying that to me it's wrong because my holy book has declared it so, I therefore can't hit on another girl (as in hit on her seriously. I do jokingly but that is not my fault. It's my mother's for sending me to same sex schools for 12 years :) ). BUT, I don't understand why people overreact to it. Maybe in the west its not such a big deal but here people seem to think it should be punishable by death!

Yes,it IS a sin in most religions but not everyone has a religion or believes in God. Sad as it is we can't force them to do either of those things but my point is that we don't all have the same beliefs so what is morally wrong to me may not be wrong another person with a different set of beliefs. I think most people who bash homosexuals for being 'sinners' are just downright hypocrites. So you think gay people don't deserve rights because they are going against God right? Then we should also deny alcoholics their rights because in some religions it is a sin. And while you're at it round up all the fornicators and adulterers ' know...God said so.

I long as they're not killing anyone or forcing anyone else to be gay
, leave them be. It's not like its contagious or anything. They are people too. I am in no way a gay rights activist but surely, whats denying them their rights going to accomplish? I as a straight person don't see how I will so I say, live and let live.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Back to this time :)

So after about a month of bumming and uselessness the university has reopened. I was insanely happy (I was about to die of boredom) until I remembered the lab report that I should have done a month ago. I am a world class procrastinator and I have accepted myself the way I am because of my accepting and fabulous nature. So I quickly do it- I actually took like 15 minutes to do it- then try to sleep so I can go early and hand it in so as to seem like a good student who had done it on time. The thing is, my internal clock system (which has a very intelligent-sounding biological name that I have managed to forget) has gone crazy. I've become so used to being seminocturnal ,i.e. sleeping at around 3 a.m. waking up at around nine, and eating breakfast at lunchtime thus pushing all other meals into the next slot that sleeping at around midnight is an issue. And don't even get me started on how hard it is to eat breakfast at 7 a.m.!!!

It was a good day though. No lectures(the afternoon lecture was a 5 minute greeting from the lecture and a notification that she will not be attending her lectures until next week. Only in Kenya :) ) so it was more bumming and uselessness but in a different location with more people. As you have already guessed it was a lot of fun. So I guess it wasn't the bumming and uselessness that was boring. It was the fact that I was doing it mostly alone. Now I know better...bum with people. It's the only way.

The thing I love about uni is no one cares. I LOVE that! I have an 8 o'clock class but I tell people not to wake me up early and guess what...they wont! I do what I want,when I want,how I want,with who(is there an m here?) I want...kinda. I also like how easy it is to fall back into familiar patterns. It didn't feel like I've been out for a month. Maybe a week. So twas a good drama-less day of uselessness and bumming.

I wonder if tomorrow's lecturers will show up...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How far did colonization really go?

Today the rant is taking a more serious tone, and do not be shocked. I am a very deep individual. So my question is; when we kicked the colonialists out of Africa how much did they leave with us? We may have physically removed them from power but did we do it mentally? To me the answer is, hell no. Unfortunately for most of us (Africans that is), the white man is still the boss. Still better than us. Still more deserving of our respect than any other black man. You may be thinking that I was born too late to be complaining about colonialism but I'm not. It's still here. It's just that now people have kind of accepted it.

A while ago I was talking to a friend who told me that when she was younger she had an aunt who would tell her to 'shower so that she is as clean as a mzungu'. As opposed to what? As dirty as an African? REALLY? So what impression did she expect to leave on the child? Probably none. She was most likely just repeating something she'd heard as a child thinking it was harmless. This leads me to the next stage of my rant. I have noticed that most of my friends seem to have the idea that the closer you are to white (in skin colour) the better-looking you are. I've seen girls drool over some-to be polite- notverygoodlooking guys just because they are lightskinned. Now don't get me wrong. We all have our preferences and that's allowed but when someone tells me that 'people look better with a lighter skin colour' I'm led to believe that this idea didn't just come out of nowhere.

Another area that I find interesting is hair. To me beautiful hair is hair that has body. I don't like wispy hair. I don't think hair has to be straight to be beautiful. I think hair looks great when braided or in dreadlocks. I am usually alone in this line of thought 'cause almost everyone else thinks that 'kinky' hair is bad and/or ugly. I personally don't have an issue with weaves,extensions or chemicals but I don't think that other races have better hair than we do (I've actually also heard other people say that). I am a bit ashamed to admit that I sometimes watch the Tyra show and there was an episode about 'black' hair. It was interesting that there are black people who want to have mixed race children so that their kids can have 'better hair'. Kinda sad. Quite shocking.

I won't even get started on neocolonialism. We all know how its affecting us. Heard it enough times. The carrot and stick thing that keeps getting pulled on our governments i.e. do as we say or we'll deny you aid or stop funding that project... I can't do anything about that right now, all I can do is hope this trickle down colonialist mentality isn't as ingrained as I think it is and make sure that when I have kids they KNOW that beauty comes in very many shapes, forms, colours and hair textures.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Back to school

Not me. I'm still on 'holiday' thanks to some of our nations most intelligent students who decided that between dialogue and violence, bring on the stones!(+ whatever they used to set a couple of cars on fire). Tis the plight of public universities...*sigh*...anyway it's my sister who went back to school today. I thought that when I got out of high school I wouldn't dread opening day ever again. I was so very wrong.

The thing about my high school is that it was hell. I'm not exaggerating. It was like they removed a chunk of hell from wherever hell is, put it in nairobi and built a school there. Holidays were always a relief from the sulphur and brimstone and going GOD! I think if you had asked most of my classmates at the time to choose between losing a limb and going back to school they'd have seriously started an internal debate about which part of the body would be of less consequence. Anyway so opening day was a day to mope around the house, pack and for some people cry. To make matters worse, the school administration set a deadline for returning to school. You had to be there before 5 o' clock or the punishment would be to stay in school during the next midterm (why Lord why?!). I want to explain that I love my mother very much and that we are very good friends but seriously she is one of the things that makes opening day a HORRIBLE experience. At around 2 p.m. I was expected to be ready to go (bags packed,full school uniform, that I wouldn't be late and endure the wrath of the housemistress *ghoulish shriek*) and I was. The thing is, she usually wasn't and her defense mechanism is yelling. AT ME! The whole journey to the supermarket, the entire time I spent shopping and the trip to school she would yell. AT ME! I learned how to zone out when she gets like that (which is at least once a day. My mother is an angry woman) but it would get to a point where I'd be like, "When the hell am I going to get to school."

The funny thing is that most of her shouting would be about my lack of time consciousness (I am, by the way, insanely time conscious) and the way I'd suffer if I had to spend my midterm in school but she seemed completely unaware of the suffering her noise was causing my eardrums! Soooo...I thought this would stop when I cleared. Then the unthinkable happened. My sister ends up attending the same school and guess who has to help her get ready? And then guess which sucker has to keep her company the whole ride to school? I am an annoyingly good big sister. The worst thing about it is that my mum is so used to shouting at me that she forgets that it is actually my SISTER going to school. Oh well. I guess old habits die hard. I can't wait 'til my sis is done with high school.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Accidental Cock-blocking

Have you ever witnessed something that you found really funny but had noone to laugh about it with? It's the most annoying feeling. So you laugh alone...until it just becomes sad and/or people start looking at you weirdly. I have many of these moments mostly 'cause of my amazing skills of observation and my prowess at eavesdropping. Anyway enough about me(dont look so sad. We'll get back to me later :) ). This is what happened:

I was in a matatu (by the way, I think we have the most unique form of public transportation)going to town. Just minding my own business (not really) when this guy sitting infront of me starts flirting with the girl in the seat next to him. I wasnt paying much attention to what he was saying- I think I've heard almost every line- but the girl didn't seem very interested (haha! Probably the story of his life). I did get interested a few minutes later when the matatu stopped to pick up more people and this mildly attractive guy got in, gave the girl a hug and sat in the other seat next to her. Dude no. 1 didnt pay much attention to that and continued trying to get the girl's attention. A few minutes later the chick says (very loudly)," You're hitting on me and my boyfriend is right here?" OUCH. Accidental cock-block from our 1st runner up; mildly attractive boyfriend(or not) for having impeccable timing but the winner is the girl for embarassing the poor boy and making my day!

Maybe its one of those things you have to witness to find funny, but I am so glad I was sitting at the back and didnt even have to pretend that I hadnt heard anything. It could be that I am just mean and enjoy the suffering of others but seriously, that was a very funny cock-block.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bend over Hangover

It's around 3 o' clock in the afternoon and I have just woken up. I'm groggy,tired and there are parts of my body that I feel might not be quite right. Why? Bend over hangover. That is what I have decided to call this feeling. Let me explain for those of you who may not understand what I am saying:

If you are Kenyan and are not one of those religious fanatics then you must know a song of the dancehall/ragga genre by a dude called RDX(I have no idea what that stands for)called bend over. If you have never seen the video of this song you need to get on youtube 'cause it is just nasty! This song has taken Kenya by storm mostly BECAUSE it it is so nasty (my people are a kinky lot). The first time I heard that song I was in a club and oh! My poor eyes! this young lady SPRINTS onto the dancefloor,picks the first guy she sees and starts to imitate moves in the video plus a couple of her own that I'm sure are some positions of kamasutra. It was alot of grinding and moaning and jumping and I just wanted to suggest that they get a room. I have just recently managed to get over the fact that whenever the song is played it looks like there's an orgy.

Now that you know my history with the song, let me explain the bend over hangover thing. I have woken up feeling rotten and there's no way its a hangover because I don't drink (I figured that I commit enough sins on a daily basis and can let this one go. I'm religious. Kinda)so I have decided to blame bend over. The DJ went overboard yesterday and played the song almost every hour. You may be thinking that I am tired from all the bending over. You are mistaken. I'm tired from running all over the dancefloor trying to evade men who were trying to make me bend over. Alcohol makes dudes so brave. I'm dancing with a girlfriend,having fun then BOOM! Someone's uninvited crotch has found a home on my posterior. I HATE that. Honestly that song has made the dancefloor a battle field. I have actually heard friends say,"cover me." before we start dancing. I kid you not. I'm not saying I never do the dance...I'm just saying I'd rather not do it every other hour with strange dudes who do not seem to understand the concept of the word 'no'. Surely you cant think Im playing hard to get when I look you straight in the face,not smiling, and say no. And there are these guys who can't believe that you don't want to dance with them. Boy please. Stop thinking the sun shines out your ass. You are NOT that special so just get over yourself. Rejection always hurts at first.

Anyway, I should get out of bed now.I dont think I'll be going out again soon. That was enough exercise for about a month :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

World Cup...*yawn*

It's worldcup season again and this time my goal is to NOT get myself banned from the t.v. room like last time. I watched the opening ceremony last night and that is the furthest I'm going with the football-mania. I know. First world cup to be held in Africa. I should be just as excited as the next African but I actually couldn't care less. I do want an African country to win-would be cool-but my watching will not influence the way they play. I just dont find football entertaining. I mean 22 guys running around after a ball, just to kick it into a net? Seriously? And there isn't even any violence allowed! One small push and all of a sudden you're getting a card (I know they have colours for those...but I dont know which ones) and being taken out of the game. Where's the drama? The action? The violence?! Whenever i start talking like this I get murderous looks and sometimes threats but i CANNOT pretend to like the game. I tried (hence the telly room ban). Its just not my thing. Give me rugby any day!

And by the way, I have several grievances to air about this 'African' world cup. Lets start with the official world cup song. Why oh WHY did they ask Shakira to sing the world cup song? WHY? I love shakira (hot,great dancer,great musician,blablabla...) but seriously we DO have our own musicians who Im pretty sure would have liked to be recognised internationally. Yeah yeah freshly ground featured but there's a version in SPANISH! WHY?! I personally prefer the K'naan song. And not that version with n some weird latino dude.Ok so maybe I dont have several grievances...but if I'd just said one I may not have sounded half as interesting.

My other complaint is to my government. SILLY SILLY GOVERNMENT!!!! My country is like the only place planes stop before going to South Africa so you'd think we've made alot of money right now, right? WRONG! Due to poor planning we have not benefitted from what could've been an amazing deal for our economy. For God's sake we barely did any advertising! And a few weeks(or was it days?) to the world cup they close up the two major stadiums (or is it stadia?).SILLY SILLY GOVERMENT!!! Those stadiums(/stadia) could've been used by teams for practise! Damn it. Running this country to the ground. Idiots.

Oh well...let me just say this;its going to be a long month for me.