Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I don't mean the psychological disorder. I mean in the way people are always misusing it to mean really really sad. I keep getting these emails about how 'people come into your life for a reason and leave when they are done...blablabla...' and when you're not losing a friend they make so much sense! As in the first time I read an email like that it was like having an epiphany...now I look back and wonder what the hell was so clear to me.

It's not like my friend died or anything. She just went to study abroad. Ok technically she hasn't even left yet (just saw her off at the airport so she's just there...bored...waiting for her flight) but the point is she's going and I'm not sure when I'll see her next. Before you judge me and decide to label me another silly teenage girl let me give you some insight into why I'm so depressed...lets go back about 6 years...*insert that glittery sound-yes.to me it sounds glittery-from movies like 13 going on 30*...

High school. Hell on earth. I was a poor mono thrown into the cruel world of public boarding school. A semi-friendly young girl whose sharp wit and seriously awesome sarcasm were almost always mistaken for rudeness. I made 'friends' quite easily but I didn't really feel like I had any friends except for 4 girls from my class. Out of the 4, I only considered 3 of them friends because of the bond between Muslims so technically I only REALLY felt like I had 1 friend. This is the young lady at the airport (lets call her X). X is one of those friends who you just kinda have this instant bond with. We were close throughout high school and though I became close with other people there was always this thing we had. She even named it (the thing I mean)*sigh*. Since we cleared high school the most we've gone without seeing each other is a month and that was only because she wasn't around but we still texted each other every other day. I'm reading through this and realizing how incredibly gay it sounds but yeah...too bad!!! So she's going. I'm happy that she'll get to do the course she wants and get exposure...yadayadayada...but I already miss her. I know it's psychological but again TOO BAD.

You may be thinking that I'm a silly human being saying stuff like that in the age of facebook and skype, but the thing is,human beings are ever-changing creatures. We become different every single day because of the experiences we have and these differences define us. If you're not there to experience and accept the changes it can get to a point where you just can't click and that is what I'm scared of. Imagine someone so close to you becoming a stranger. It scares the shit out of me. I usually embrace change...ok...no I don't,but still this is harder than most other changes. Ah well. Time will tell (I rhymed accidentally!).

P.S. X, since u CLAIM to read my blog...love you!


  1. awwww:love you too bujiwoo!!!:)and eish hebu you dont say that ish about change!!!we still need a schedule

  2. and i kinda get femi now...we do sound gay:) too bad
