Sunday, December 12, 2010

Never give up...stupid,stupid,stupid.

I think one of the worst pieces of advice we are given as children is 'never give up'. This motto, drilled into our minds from a very young age, has been a constant source of irritation in my life and I'm pretty sure it has affected a large percentage of the population at one time or another. What am I talking about? How many times have you been accosted by a vendor who,even though you have clearly stated that you either have no use for what they are vending or have no money (hint hint, those guys who sell socks outside lifestyle and near Nairobi hospital.seriously. I don't want your damn socks!), keeps following you til you end up either running away or saying something rude? Or how many times have you received unwanted attention from a member of the opposite (or same) gender and actually had to leave the place or threaten the person with an ass-whooping just to get them to leave you alone? And how many times have you been/seen a friend get hounded by an ex or past...umm...'acquaintance' who has refused to believe that its over and thinks that 'you will see the light'. Please. Stop it. At least the sock people can say that they are earning a living but whats everyone else's excuse? If you think you can wear someone down with your constant badgering you are very wrong. Chances are you'll just end up pissing them off! Sometimes the smart thing to do is to quit. Most of the time your constant pursuit will just end up hurting you. So unless you are some kind of emotional masochist let it go. On the other hand, if you ARE some kind of emotional masochist, go ahead and do your thing. I don't discriminate. A warning though...if you try it with me I will hurt you. Physically.

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