Monday, July 30, 2012

What are you selling?

I almost didn't want to post this because my last post was my 69th :D ANYWAY innuendos aside I haven't posted in a couple of months. I refuse to be bullied into feeling apologetic towards my readers (I seem to get like one more every year but yay! I'm not complaining :) ). It is within my rights as a person to be lazy.

Today I'm talking about adverts. Our advertising companies are seriously unable to relate to their audience. Case and point;

1. Roof-adillo
People I talk to often will by now be tired of hearing me complain about this ad. It stars an animated armadillo climbing a roof. I have so many problems with this. We live in a country where most of the population has no idea what an armadillo is. We have never seen one because we don't have any (probably why its animated...but then again I don't know how an armadillo would react to being put on a roof. Maybe steel makes them violent :D). Another thing, what was the point of the armadillo? The ad was for roofing sheets. Are we to believe that they're armadillo-resistant? Or that they give free armadillos with each purchase? If their point was the sheets are as strong as an armadillo, guess what; I HAVE NO IDEA HOW STRONG THOSE THINGS ARE. Use examples I can relate to. I don't know...make a guy eat Ugali and compare him to the mabati or something. It's not my job so if my example sucks...its still better than the armadillo :D

2. Oh God please make it stop
This one takes the cake.It features babies bodies that have been CGI'd into a kind of club where they partake in 'save the last dance'-esque (remember that dance movie?)activities. First of all I hate it when they make babies and animals do things on TV that they shouldn't be able to do in real life, so the whole dancing babies in a possibly romantic situation does not fly with me. It's weird, creepy and should be illegal. Secondly, the ad is to promote the drinking of milk. Not a particular brand, just milk in general and I want to know why. Is there a national calcium deficiency we should know about? I need to know these things! If we are in danger of becoming a boneless nation we need to be warned. Though that would be kind of awesome. When you call someone spineless and they really don't have a spine...anyway I digress (as usual) . Thirdly what do they hope to gain from airing that ad? Am I supposed to be motivated to drink milk so I can fulfill my childhood dream of wearing pampers to the club? Honestly I don't know exactly who their target audience is. If they were trying to be cute they have FAILED.

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