Saturday, May 21, 2016

Hello... Kind of


It's been a couple of years since I posted. I've been writing and deleting a lot but I think I'm going to start posting a bit more consistently (read more than once a year). I'm switching platforms to this website for no clearly defined reason. I posted my first post and hope you see the clear growth and increased intelligence in my opinions. lol.

See you on the other website.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


First of all, Sorry. I just logged in today and saw the nonsense  on my last post. I'm not sure what exactly happened...the website decided to translate the language of an entire paragraph of the post into a mixture of Russian and and eating noises. So if by any chance you read the last post before I edited it, I apologize. If you read it and thought I was creating a new language, thank you for thinking that I am of Tolkien-esque awesomeness. Let it be known that though I AM amazing, there are people I just can't even compare myself to for fear of murder by their respective fandoms and smitement(I'm not sure of the past tense of smite and I don't want to open another tab so I'll stick with this one) by God for pretending that I'm on the level of some of His best work.Just off the top of my head and not in any particular order;

1. J.R. R. Tolkien
I don't even need to explain this one. I therefore will just say Lord of the Rings
2. George R.R. Martin
Again...self explanatory. A song of Ice and Fire

Sidebar;  What is it with the R.R.'s? Do those initials hold some sort of literary power? If my middle initials were R.R. would I be getting paid for this blog right now? Should I name my kids*name* R.R. *name* to ensure that they at least have one profitable talent?(I need one of those...all my talents will probably lose me money instead ) Anyway, studies need to be done.

3. J.K. Rowling
This woman changed my life. She made me wait for an owl, cry so hard I scared everyone in the vicinity, try to make butter beer...*sigh*
4. Serj Tankien
System of a Down needs to come back

I'm done for now. The top of my head is actually not very deep...but there are a lot of brilliant minds. Don't even get me started on the scientists!!!I'm not even talking about the Einsteins and Teslas of the world. If you think about every single device you use today(mechanical or not) you'll realize just how many great people there are that we never even think about. Special shout outs to Admiral Grace Hopper who came up with the compiler(translates human language to computer language) and helped create the first computer language and Carl von Linden who made the first modern fridge. Why these two in particular? Because the fridge and computer are the things I spend the most time with.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Girl crush

I loooooooooooooooove Chimamanda Adichie. Not in a lesbian way, in a stalker way...hehe...I kid. Kind of. On a serious note this woman is amazing. My first encounter with her (look at me, all stalker-y and stuff) was on youtube. It was 2010 and I'd just been introduced to TED talks (another thing I love but with fewer o's)and I came across her talk on the danger of a single story ; < and just fell in love. She was so poised and eloquent and pretty...I said I would buy her book IMMEDIATELY.  Sometimes when I say immediately I mean in about a year and that's exactly what happened. A year later I'm looking for the 'A Song of Ice and Fire'(ASOIAF) series of books for my sister's birthday (had them on soft copy but she's not into e-books and was waiting to buy the whole set in paperback, why she's fighting technology I'll never know) and I saw Purple Hibiscus. The universe was calling to me, telling me I needed to read this book. Either that or the buy 4 books get one free offer. One of the two. Best decision I made that day. Her characters are so deep. I love those books which as you read, you feel what the characters are feeling, you wonder why they're doing what they're doing. Those characters that make you want to reach into the book to stop them from doing what they're about to do because they're so real to you that you can't help but invest emotionally. Learning that I was mispronouncing Kambili's name in my head and watching Jaja change...and the familiar African things like  going to dingy places to get your hair braided...haha! Half of a Yellow Sun was the next one. I invested even more in those characters. I liked how weird Kainene was. She's one of those characters who you really want to know more about, so sure of herself and intimidating but unattractive. Always in the shadow of her hot sister where men are concerned but not in any other sphere of life. I've just finished Americana. Unputdownable! I made the mistake of starting it on a week day. I have done very little work since. So don't start it unless you don't have things to do or have the self control of a celibate monk. I know most people haven't read it yet so all I'll say is if it hadn't ended the way it did I would have been sad and mopey all weekend.
We need more writers like her!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Do the twist

So I'm a young woman trapped in an old woman's body. Or I have an old woman's knee trapped inside my body. Or I am young but I just had really bad luck with my knee this week. I have somehow managed to get an injury that is usually only seen in footballers and tennis players. What was I doing when this happened? WAKING UP. IN THE MORNING. Like an 80 year old woman I tore a ligament just by waking up in the morning. As I lay there screaming for 5-10 minutes ( I can't really scream so I was just saying 'owowowowow') I thanked God my room mate had gone home for Christmas because a week later I honestly can't explain what happened without people laughing at me. Coincidentally my brother was scheduled for surgery the same week so we got to chill out in the discomfort of hospital rooms much to the irritation of my nurses who kept not finding me where I was supposed to be. I'm beginning to wonder if I didn't just get a sympathetic disease so I could keep him company in hospital...Anyway it was a horrific experience but I am an eternal optimist-not really- so on the bright side I got to see the inside of my knee and talk to some pretty awesome people. The inside of your knee is very interesting looking by the way...

SIDEBAR: You know the way people claim to have old souls? Why would you want to have anything old? Old things are subject to wear, tear and knee twists. Old things should come with old age, when they're expected and necessary not on a random morning

Saturday, November 9, 2013

I am woman, hear me rant!

I've been meaning to post this for a's been lying in my drafts awaiting that final read up to make sure my grammar indicates that I at least went to high school

First and foremost I would like to declare that I am a feminist. Anyone who knows me is rolling his/her eyes right now as this is not really a revelation. I've never been quiet about it but there was a point where I didn't want to be called a feminist because of the image it brings to people's minds of unshaven, butch lesbian women throwing dirty looks at men and burning bras because they are 'symbols of our oppression'. I appreciate bras, they allow women to run and drive on rough terrains without wincing and while I do give men the stink eye on occasion I assure you it's only because they deserve it. I'm just tired of the bad rap feminism and feminists have been getting because of a few women whose views don't necessarily represent those of the average modern day woman. Unfortunately I've been told that my views don't really represent those of the average modern day woman either( the actual phrase used was 'please don't speak on behalf of women') so this is just my two cents. 

The idea of this post came to me (look at me sounding like an artist) when my significant other sent me an article about Kim Kardashian being an overlooked symbol of feminism. NO. I say NO to this. She is anything but overlooked. On a serious note though, I don't agree that she's a symbol of feminism. She is an extraordinary businesswoman and a role model for marketers and entrepreneurs but she isn't doing anything women have never done before. She's arguably participating in the oldest trade women are known to engage in. No, not prostitution -people always say its the oldest profession... I think it's farming- but using beauty for social and economical mobility or simply to get what they want. I'm actually of the opinion that the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden was a banana. Which man is going to say no to a naked woman eating a banana?*looks around for a lighting bolt* I digress, Ms Kardashian isn't doing anything to advance women's rights. She may be a feminist( I'm working on the assumption that all sane women are) but she's not a symbol of feminism.

Then there's all the silliness about the barbie dolls. A section of women are campaigning against barbie dolls claiming that they're giving little girls self-esteem issues. Apparently the dolls give girls unrealistic views of how their bodies are supposed to look. Look, I had teddy bears. I did not feel the need to grow fur and walk on all fours...well...maybe I did pretend to be a bear at some point but I knew that the teddy bear was a toy and that I am human. I played with barbie dolls too and while most of them ended up decapitated for some reason, I don't remember feeling inadequate to this inanimate object or wishing my belly button would disappear. I understand that the social pressure has increased on women to look a certain way but it all boils down to you in the end. As a friend(Duncan you're being quoted, bask in this moment) of mine once told me, there's a reason it's called SELF-esteem. I have a feeling that some women are projecting their insecurities onto their daughters. Teach them how to love themselves not in spite of but because of their differences and they'll be fine. Leave barbie alone.

To me, a true symbol of feminism is a person or a group of people who inspire others to push the boundaries society has set for them. It doesn't have to be on purpose and the symbol doesn't even have to be a woman fighting for women's rights. Wangari Maathai was the first African woman to get a Nobel Peace Prize, she's DEFINITELY a symbol of feminism. She was a pioneer and has motivated not just women but people to care for their environment. Mekatilili wa Menza fought colonialists so hard, they called her a witch. Joan of Arc- though in my opinion mildly insane- led armies. Rosa Parks, Marie Curie, your grandmothers who fought for the right to allow their daughters to go to school, those are the true symbols of feminism. So instead of bashing barbie dolls and men as a true feminist your job is to help other people, not just women, get to where they need to be. 

NB; Men don't feel left out...we'll always need you for spider killing and heavy lifting. Hehe... I kid. We have insect repellent and cranes for that

Monday, June 17, 2013

I honestly can't think of a title for this one

I come here today with the sage musings of a woman in her early 20's. I may not have lived long and you may think that I can't be taken seriously (well...that's mostly my fault) but my experiences so far have led me to believe that I'm mostly right about a lot of things. I realize that may sound a bit obnoxious, but yeah. It's true. I was hanging out with some ex-classmates and I thought about how easy it still was to talk to them about the personal things going on in my life. We may not have seen each other in months but whenever we meet we spill everything. Friends are that can be classified(sorry, couldn't find anything good to allude to). There are so many kinds but these are the ones I've identified in my many years as a human...that makes it sound like I used to be something else but lets go with it;

1. Party pals
We all know these ones. We call them when we want to go out. They're fun, usually loud and are almost always ready to go wherever, whenever at whatever time. You're not that close, but you know basic stuff about each other and check up on each other once in a while.

2.The ones who are always there
These are usually friends of circumstance. You may not like most of the same things but you see each other so often that you start to find similarities. These friends can graduate to become more serious friends but most of the time when you stop seeing each other so often the friendship dies.

3.The ex friend
No, not the person you used to date then became friends with (I think that's nearly impossible though...most relationships end in fire,brimstone and crying), that friend you used to be close to then something happened. Either you grew apart or someone did something or thought someone did something...anyway it got complicated and now your conversations are either one sided or shallow.

3.The 'haha!' friend
You always have so much fun with these friends. You don't share most of your problems with them but you miss them when they aren't there because they are really good people. You may share multiple interests and these friends can graduate to well rounded friends.

4.The well rounded friend
I'm happy to have many of these. These are the awesome ones. The ones you can talk to even after being away from for a while because you were still in touch. You can party with them and they're always there...not necessarily in the physical sense. These are the ones who know really embarrassing things about you and have seen you pull absolutely ridiculous stunts while sober.

There are friends who are in between stages but I think I've got most of them covered. Another thing I've realized as a 20something year old woman is that only a woman can think up this stuff. Men don't care :D

Friday, May 24, 2013


No. Stop crying. I'm not discontinuing my blog. I love this slice of the internet where I diligently post erratic and discontinuous musings about life in general. I really have tried to be more regular but enyewe... I have a really bad memory. Also sometimes when I think of something to post its just one line in upper case letters so I just tweet those thoughts. Anyway why am I saying goodbye or what/ to who(or is it whom?I'm never sure) am I bidding farewell? No it is not school, even though I'm on holiday (yaaaay!) . To answer this question I have to explain what happened...

Look at me making this seem so interesting and dramatic. You're going to be so disappointed :D

I'm a member of my university's swim team. Kind of. I joined 2 years ago and randomly attend practice and participate in galas. Yesterday I agreed to compete in a gala tomorrow and the last time I trained was more than 6 months ago. This is stupidity of epic proportions. When did I realize this? When I got winded just from walking to the bus stop.
People don't realize how much stamina you need as a swimmer, there's a lot of breath control and blablabla so if you get short of breath after walking for a few minutes its a sign that you need to not be participating in swimming competitions.
So I'm saying goodbye in case it happens that as I dive into the pool to do my 50m breast stroke(not what it sounds like. Hehe! Kind of sounds like I'm going to be groped for 50 metres) and my unfit body just sinks to the bottom of the pool then I decide to stay there out of sheer embarrassment.
My only motivation is that girls generally quit swimming after high school so there won't be much competition... I may not be alone at the bottom of the pool.