Sunday, August 15, 2010


It being the holy month and all I am on the path to enlightenment and thus there wont be any posts of me doing weird things for the next few weeks. Ramadhan kareem and saum maqbul to all my Muslim sisters and brothers. May Allah accept your fasts.

But this doesn't mean I can't watch t.v. and I'm telling you my addiction to big brother keeps getting worse each day. Last night the big brother housemates made me feel like the most angelic human in the Especially the women. I'm sure if there was some dude from some other continent watching yesterday he has bought a plane ticket and is on his way to find an African woman. I wish I knew one of those girls so I could go to their houses and see if their relatives are still alive or have died of shock :). The dancing they did was making the t.v. stall. As in even the t.v. didn't want me to see what was going on! But I saw...and I was amazed...and I have come to a conclusion. Everyone in the world is just nasty! A few posts back I said that my people are a kinky lot. I would like to rephrase that. PEOPLE ARE KINKY. Its global problem (or not a problem depending on how you look at it.)Its like we are all just sex-starved maniacs waiting for any opportunity to unleash ourselves (note that I am including myself in this only for the sake of making myself seem like an open and accessible person so that people feel like they can relate to the blog. I am in no way a part of the problem...or not problem).

On to other things...MUNYA! I must confess. The man is still SOL (sex on legs). I'm on the brink of overlooking his *clearing throat* minor transgression on account of how good he looked yesterday. Yum.

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