I love rain. I don't mean El-nino-esque situations (too many hyphens?), I mean light showers...a hint of thunder, a couple of women running around with paper-bags on their heads... I'm a cloudy weather kind of person. The sun is nice but sunny weather is overrated. And sweaty. That's one of the reasons I love November- other reasons involve a blessing bestowed upon the earth in the form of a baby girl, sent to earth to shine the light of her smile into the hearts of mankind. Yes, I was born in November :)
On to the complaint. This is the 21st century. How do we let little drops of water from the sky dictate our lives? The moment clouds appear to gather all hell breaks loose. Matatus start charging as if the rain will make them take a detour to Lodwar first, people (especially women) become violent, everyone rushes out of their offices -ironically- to beat the traffic jams that they cause by all rushing out at the same time and then the traffic cops show up. Traffic cops. I have a 'the chicken or the egg' dilemma with them. I'm not sure if jams cause them to show up or if jams happen because they showed up.
Then there's the issue of the blackouts. Our electrical systems don't seem to be able to withstand certain amounts of rain. This is mildly insane as the climate generally follows the same pattern year after year...we know what kind of rain we're going to have and when we'll have it but KPLC of KPC- or whatever our electrical company wants to call itself- seems to think we should just keep praying to the rain gods that it will only drizzle that year. UPGRADE!!! Instead of paying for adverts (I always go back to the ads) which you don't need, seeing as you're our sole supplier of electricity, use the money to UPGRADE. And what's this nonsense with the pre-paid meters? Its like a homeless person buying an i-phone. Deal with the important issues first. I can't be having black-outs for the whole day. I'm a modern woman. I have stuff that needs googling.There's a country where the minister for energy(of wherever electricity falls) was forced to resign after a blackout... I'm just saying.
So. Rain is our friend, I hate KPC and November is the best month of the year :) (Yes, yes...October technically hasn't ended yet but I believe November isn't usually given enough time)
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