Sunday, October 21, 2012

False advertising

I've had a couple of posts about Kenyan advertising but this one is the one closest to my heart. The hating shall occur in 3 parts;

1; the kiosk/kibanda
We all have this ka-shop near our estate/school/place of work that sells cheap food. This is not a fancy place. It is pocket friendly, mabati and wood make up the decor and the food is not for the weak of stomach. I don't mind these places as I am quite, as they say, 'hood' but I find it so funny when these places have pictures of ice-cream sundaes, pizzas and burgers. WHY are you putting up pictures of that food when you're serving people limp cabbage and yellow-ish ugali?? Are you trying to make people feel bad? Take a picture of your funny looking ndengu with its many stones and hang it up there instead of downloading the first thing you saw on google. Liars.

2.The salon/barber shop
I know for a fact that Beyonce does not do her hair near afya centre. Why do you have her picture hanging outside your salon? This may be the reason for so many bad weaves in Nairobi. People go in with high expectations only to leave looking like poodles. Take a picture of work that you've actually done, it makes more sense. I know for a fact that most girls like getting their picture taken. It wouldn't be too hard to convince someone to be your hair model.

3.The passport size photo place
These ones seem to like Chris Brown because yes, of course Chris Brown would go downtown for passport size photos. It doesn't make sense to me that your sample pictures are of people who may not even know where Nairobi is. Yes its a nice picture but you didn't take it. How am I supposed to trust your work when you don't have enough faith in it to use it in your advertising?I think American celebs would find it interesting to walk around town, it would be a strange experience for them. Close to omniscience :D

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