Again, I have misled you with my title (mwahahaha!). This is not a post about...whatever you thought it was going to be about. Its another one about adverts that don't make sense to me. These 2 ads are not bad per se...they just seem unrelated to the products they're selling. Cooking oil and sanitary towels are NEVER EVER meant to be sexy. You just can't do that. You can't allow me to think its an ad for condoms right up to the end then spring every day products which should NEEEEEVER EEEEVER be thought of in a sexual context.(EVER)
1. stripper pads (Yes, yes man who is reading this blog, I said pads. Get over it.)
I've only seen this ad once so I'm just hoping and trusting that the stupidity of the human race is at a constant and not -as previously thought- increasing. This ad features a very attractive woman stripping. It's a really short ad and they show what they call 'tasteful nudity' so you don't really see anything but you know she's taking off her clothes...then the ad ends and they say the brand name of the pads. That's it. I'm not an expert. Maybe the strippers were converting to tampons. I have no idea. I just think the ad is stupid.It's a stripper, then its sanitary towels. oil
If I wore a hat I'd take it off to the guys who came up with the ad...then throw it at them. It has everything. A woman who appears to really REALLY like tomatoes, a man who likes to watch her like tomatoes, a rather large fish getting spanked, water and oil flying everywhere, weird facial expressions...then suddenly they're on a beach and guess what, they were advertising cooking oil. I honestly did not know cooking oil could be hot in more than one way! I tried to rationalize this ad, I really did. I CAN'T. Are they insinuating that there are other uses for cooking oil? Are they promoting disciplinary action against fish? I'm so confused.
I'll give these 2 products this, they've got people talking about them...but I still think they're idiotic :)
You talk the truth.
ReplyDeletehehe...thanks :)
ReplyDeleteHaha I was truly misled by the title :)